Demystifying Chat GPT's Code Interpreter: A Game Changer Not Just for Developers

Just when you thought AI was helping a lot when it comes to productivity they have now released Code Interpreter!


That was the head introduction when OpenAI released that great tool but they have now put that feature inside of your usual use of Chat GPT-4. We speculate a lot of people were not using it because it had the word “code” and if you were not doing that, then why would you, right? We have edited this article to where it stands right now as of December 12th of 2023.


Chat GPT’s code interpreter emerges as a beacon of progress. Often, the narrative surrounding AI and coding is heavily skewed towards its implications for developers. However, the reality is far more encompassing and transformative. This article aims to demystify Chat GPT’s code interpreter, highlighting its profound impact not just in the realm of software development but across a multitude of industries.


At the core, Chat GPT’s code interpreter represents a fusion of advanced AI with the intricate art of coding, but its implications stretch far beyond the confines of traditional programming. As we delve deeper, we uncover a tool that is not only reshaping how developers interact with code but also revolutionizing how various sectors approach problem-solving, innovation, and efficiency. 


Why the name “Code Interpreter” and What does it do?


Remember that this tool is made out of developers at the forefront of the industry. I would guess that OpenAI developers found themselves in a part where they needed to either create new code or optimize existing one and notice that they needed far more “tokens” (the amount of words that anybody can enter into Chat GPT) and came up with the idea of a small feature that could read more text without making them count as tokens and that little idea became a massive new tool.


At its heart, Chat GPT’s code interpreter is an innovative blend of AI and coding. But what exactly does this mean? Essentially, it’s a sophisticated system that understands and processes programming languages using the principles of machine learning and natural language processing. This allows Chat GPT to not only comprehend code but also to write, debug, and optimize it in a way that mimics human reasoning and logic.


The real magic of Chat GPT’s code interpreter lies in its versatility. It’s not confined to a single programming language or a narrow set of tasks. Whether it’s Python, JavaScript, or any other language, Chat GPT’s AI-driven interpreter can navigate through them with an almost intuitive understanding. This flexibility makes it an invaluable tool for developers who are looking to streamline their workflow and enhance their coding efficiency.


Moreover, the integration of AI in code interpretation elevates the technology from a mere tool to an intelligent assistant. Chat GPT’s interpreter doesn’t just follow instructions; it anticipates needs, suggests improvements, and even identifies potential errors before they become problematic. This proactive approach to coding is a significant leap forward from traditional code interpretation methods.


Debugging, a notoriously time-consuming aspect of programming, is another area where Chat GPT’s code interpreter shines. It can swiftly analyze code to identify errors or potential issues, offering not just the ‘what’ but also the ‘why’ – explaining the root cause of a problem, which is invaluable for learning and improvement.


Our main company is a high-tech company, therefore, we use Code Interpreter almost everyday.

It is amazing for programmers.


Beyond Coding: Chat GPT in Various Sectors


While Chat GPT’s prowess in aiding software development is undisputed, its utility extends far beyond the confines of coding. In sectors like engineering, Chat GPT’s ability to interpret and analyze technical documents through its code interpreter functionality is proving to be a game-changer. Engineers can feed multiple complex documents into Chat GPT, and it can process, analyze, and extract key information, aiding in project planning, research, and decision-making.


In the realm of project management, for instance, Chat GPT can interpret technical specifications and project requirements, providing a streamlined overview and identifying potential challenges or conflicts. This capability is not just a time-saver; it enhances the accuracy and efficiency of project planning.


Similarly, in research and development, Chat GPT’s ability to digest and synthesize information from a myriad of documents allows researchers to gain insights and make connections they might otherwise miss. This is particularly beneficial in fields like renewable energy or aerospace, where cutting-edge innovation is often buried in a sea of technical documentation.


Furthermore, in industries such as manufacturing and construction, where technical documentation is extensive, Chat GPT can serve as a valuable tool for interpreting these documents, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and facilitating smoother workflow.


As usual, let’s dive deeper into one example. 


Let’s assume you are building a massive new office building inside of Houston, Texas and the city hall is voting on a new regulatory framework that might alter your entire design.


You are buried deep into “regulatory meetings” and a new major arrives and tries to change everything. From special needs to citizens to environment regulation and carbon emissions of the building. With Code Interpreter (now already added into Chat GPT-4) you can attach this new regulatory code into GPT so it can effectively read it.


It is not a huge techie move. Just the way you attach a document to your emails, you do the same with GPT. That’s when Engineering Prompting comes of rather great use.


After attaching that document you also upload the version that you were complying with before this new version, and you simply ask GPT to make a good comparison of both versions.


Hold up, it is not that clean and easy. Here at PotenzaGPT, we will always want to deliver good value-added content and so we have to dig deeper.


Once we have made GPT read both documents, if the documents are more than 50 pages long (in our experience) there is a 20% chance that GPT will not get every little detail of the document. Therefore, it is better to specify a section of the document so there is no chance of missing anything.


For instance, since you know your field, if you are worried about the new regulatory framework on Carbon Emissions, the document has an entire chapter. Specify in your prompting so GPT can make a special remark on this part of the document.


Lets go thru it step by step:

  1. Upload the latest regulatory framework and write on the prompt: “Please read this document and give a summary about what it contains”

  2. Upload the older version of the regulatory document and write on the prompt: “Please also summarize this document”

  3. Check if the documents were properly uploaded by reading the answers that GPT is giving you

  4. Now the actual prompt that does the magic:

    1.  “Act as a lawyer, 

    2. you are talking to an expert in the construction industry,

    3. the 2 documents that I uploaded to you are the old and new version of the regulatory framework to build new office buildings

    4. I want you to give me the most noticeable changes in these documents

    5. And also make special remarks to the section of Carbon Emissions, pages 6 to 12 in the old version and 8 to 13 in the new version. Please explain thoroughly the main differences between them.

    6. I will not take your recommendations as actual legal counsel, I want to understand the guidelines.”

In essence, Chat GPT’s code interpreter is not just a tool for developers; it’s an asset for professionals across various sectors, enabling them to navigate the complexities of technical information with unprecedented ease and efficiency.


Here at PotenzaGPT we want to be the most helpful for people that are not really tech savvy. We base all of our training assuming you are not that into tech because that is most of the business world. This part is a bit technical and you might want to come to it after using Code Interpreter for about 20 hours and having multiple conversations with Chat GPT. If you haven’t read about the different techniques for Engineer Prompting, here it is.


If you have done just that then let’s dig deeper into Code Interpreter vs Fine tuning with OpenAIs API.


Leveraging Code Interpreter with Targeted Documents for Small Businesses & Professionals: A Deeper Dive


In the dynamic world of small businesses and solo entrepreneurship, the strategic use of technology can be a game-changer but not only for them but also professionals inside of big organizations. Among various AI enhancements, employing Code Interpreter’s main feature with carefully selected enterprise-related documents stands out as a particularly effective approach. This approach offers a unique blend of customization, cost-effectiveness, and practical application that is beneficial across various business scales and contexts.

Small businesses operating in niche markets can gain a competitive edge by training Chat GPT with specialized documents that reflect their unique market position and customer base.


Similarly, professionals in large corporations can use this method to tailor Chat GPT for specific departmental needs. For instance, marketing teams could train the AI with consumer behavior studies and campaign data, while R&D departments might focus on technical papers and innovation reports.


Cost-Effective Solution for Varied Business Sizes:


The cost-effectiveness of this approach is a significant draw for small businesses with limited resources. It allows them to leverage AI without heavy investment in technology and expertise.

In large corporations, while resources may not be as constrained, cost-efficiency remains a priority. Utilizing a code interpreter in this way can optimize departmental budgets, allowing for the allocation of resources to other critical areas. Also, career enhancement can be a great help to have an AI assistant specially devoted for the area a professional is already remarkably good at


Broadening the Scope Beyond Fine-Tuning:


While fine-tuning with OpenAI’s API offers deep, technical enhancements, it can be an elaborate process more suited to developing specialized AI functions. For day-to-day business applications, this might not always be the most practical approach.


Using a code interpreter with targeted documents simplifies the process, making AI a more accessible tool for both small businesses and corporate professionals. It provides a balance between customization and ease of use, without the need for extensive technical involvement.


The future of AI with this new feature is set to redefine the business landscape, offering enhanced customization, integration, and collaboration opportunities. For small businesses, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals alike, staying ahead of these advancements and understanding their implications will be crucial for harnessing the full potential of AI in the business world. 


Do not get left behind, train with us and if we do not get the job done, we will give you your money back. Ride the AI wave with us here at PotenzaGPT.


To your success,
